Test Cases
The results of test cases, tested on develop
branch updated on 12FEB, are documented in this file.
Login Functionality
TC001 - Login Functionality for Different User Roles
Description: Verify that users can successfully log in with valid credentials based on their assigned roles.
- The application is accessible.
- User credentials for different roles are available.
Test Steps:
- Open the login page.
- Enter valid credentials for a specific user role.
- Click on the "Login" button.
Expected Results:
- For each user role (Manager, Participant, Client):
- The user should be redirected to the corresponding dashboard.
- The dashboard content should match the privileges and information associated with the user role.
Test Data:
- User credentials for various roles (Manager, Participant, Client) can be found in the Ranger repository
- Repeat the test steps for each user role separately.
TC002 – Invalid Login Attempt
Description: Verify the system behavior when an invalid login attempt is made.
Test Steps:
- Open the login page.
- Enter an invalid username and/or password.
- Click on the "Login" button.
Expected Results:
- The system should display an error message, and the user should not be allowed to log in.
TC003 – Switching Roles
Description: Validate that users can switch between available roles.
- User has rights to multiple roles.
Test Steps:
- Switch from one role to another (for example, manager to participant).
Expected Results:
- The user is switched from one role to another, and accurate info is displayed.
Manager Test Cases
- User is logged in with Manager role.
TC004 - Exercises Load on Exercises Page
Description: Validate that exercises load as expected on the exercises page.
Test Steps:
- Navigate to the exercises page.
Expected Results:
- The exercises should load without errors.
TC005 - Manager Can Add an Exercise
Description: Ensure that a manager can successfully add a new exercise.
Test Steps:
- Navigate to the exercises page.
- Enter test data.
- Add a new exercise.
Expected Results:
- The exercise should be added successfully.
Test Data:
- Exercise name – any input
- Deployment group – any input
TC006 – Adding an Exercise with Already Existing Name
Description: Ensure that exercises with duplicate names cannot be added.
Test Steps:
- Navigate to the exercises page.
- Enter test data.
- Add a new exercise.
Expected Results:
- The exercise shouldn’t be added, and an error indicating the duplicate name issue should be shown.
Test Data:
- Exercise name – an existing exercise name
- Deployment group – any input
TC007 – Modifying Information in Exercise Dashboard
Description: Verify that information for exercise can be submitted and changed.
Test Steps:
- Open an existing exercise dashboard.
- Add AD group and Scenario SDL.
- Change exercise name and Deployment group.
- Submit changes.
Expected Results:
- Changes should be submitted successfully; relevant exercise information should be visible displayed and correct estimated resources are calculated.
Test Data:
- Exercise name – any input
- Deployment group – any input
- AD Group – any input
- SDL script – syntactically correct SDL
TC008 – Adding Incorrect Scenario SDL
Description: Verify the system’s ability to handle incorrect SDL script.
Test Steps:
- Open an existing exercise dashboard.
- Add incorrect Scenario SDL.
Expected Result:
- Resource estimation failed should be failed, and SDL Parsing error is shown.
Test Data:
- SDL script – syntactically incorrect SDL
TC009 – Adding Scenario SDL from Deputy Package
Description: Get scenario SDL from Deputy package.
Test Steps:
- Open an existing exercise dashboard.
- Select to add SDL from Deputy package.
- Select package name and version.
- Add the scenario.
Expected Results:
- Correct SDL script is taken from the selected Deputy package and version.
TC010 - Exercise Dashboard Displays Necessary Information
Description: Verify that the exercise dashboard presents all necessary information.
Test Steps:
- Open an existing exercise dashboard.
Expected Results:
- Relevant exercise information should be visible (exercise name, AD group, Scenario SDL, Estimated Resources).
TC011 - Deployment Can Be Added
Description: Confirm the system's ability to add a deployment.
Test Steps:
- Go to the exercise dashboard.
- Add SDL script.
- Add deployment details.
- Create a new deployment.
Expected Results:
- The deployment should be successfully added, deployment is added to the deployments list on the right, and deployment succeeds. If the deployment count is more than 1, the AD Group input should be required for every deployment.
Test Data:
- Deployment group – any input
- Deployment name – any input
- Deployment start time – any input
- Deployment end time – any input later than the start date
- AD Group for deployment 1 – any input
- Number of deployments – any input
TC012: Deployment Dates Accuracy
Description: Ensure that deployment dates are accurate, and an end date cannot be set earlier than the start date.
Test Steps:
- Add a deployment with accurate dates.
- Attempt to set an end date earlier than the start date.
Expected Results:
- Valid dates should be accepted, and it should not be possible to set an invalid end date.
TC013: Manager Can Upload a Banner
Description: Verify the manager's ability to upload a banner for exercise.
Test Steps:
- Navigate to the Banner page.
- Add banner name and content, use variables.
- Create banner.
Expected Results:
- The banner should be created successfully.
Test Data:
- Banner name – any input
- Banner message content – any input, use variables.
TC014: Scores Page Displays Deployments and Scores
Description: Confirm that the scores page shows deployed exercises and their scores.
Test Steps:
- Navigate to the scores page.
- Sort and order using the functions provided.
Expected Results:
- Deployments and corresponding scores should be visible, sorting and ordering of deployments should be correct.
TC015: Sending Emails
Description: Test various email scenarios including sending, receiving and variable usage.
Test Steps:
- Navigate to emails page.
- Fill in fields with test data (don’t select exercise or deployment, and template).
- Add variables to email body and subject.
Expected Results:
- Emails should be sent and received correctly, and variables should be replaced appropriately.
Test Data:
- To – any input
- Reply to – any input
- Cc – any input
- Bcc – any input
- Email subject – any input, include variables
- Email body – any input, include variables
TC016: Sending Exercise-wide Emails
Description: Test exercise-wide email scenarios.
Test Steps:
- Navigate to the emails page.
- Fill in fields with test data and select exercise-wide option.
Expected Results:
- Emails should be sent to all exercise’s participants.
TC017: Sending Deployment-specific Emails
Description: Test deployment-specific email scenarios.
Test Steps:
- Navigate to the emails page.
- Fill in fields with test data and select deployment-specific option.
Expected Results:
- Emails should be sent to only deployment’s participants.
TC018: Email Activity
Description: Validate the tracking and logging of email activities.
Test Steps:
- Send emails through different scenarios.
- Check email activity logs.
Expected Results:
- Email activities should be accurately logged.
TC019: Deployment Element Statuses
Description: Confirm that the Deployment element statuses are correct.
Test Steps:
- Click on a deployment.
- Show deployment element statuses.
- Verify virtual machines and templates.
Expected Results:
- VM and template info should be correct according to the deployed SDL script.
TC020: SDL Information Accuracy
Description: Confirm that the SDL shown is correct.
Test Steps:
- Review the SDL script.
Expected Results:
- SDL shown should be the same SDL that the deployment was made with.
TC021: User Accounts
Description: Validate the user accounts and private keys.
Preconditions: A deployment is created with a VM, which source is a Deputy package containing account information (name, password, private key fields).
Test Steps:
- Review account information.
Expected Results:
- Name, password, and private keys should display correct information (should be the same values as in the deployed Deputy package).
TC022: Entity Selector Functionality
Description: Test the entity selector, its connection, disconnection, and the correctness of displayed users and entities in the entity tree.
Test Steps:
- Select entity and user.
- Connect the entity and user.
- Check the displayed entity tree.
- Disconnect user from entity.
Expected Results:
- It should be possible to connect and disconnect users and entities.
- It should be possible to connect users to multiple entities.
- Entities shown in the dropdown should be only the entities specified in the deployed SDL script.
- Users shown in the dropdown should be only the users from the AD group selected for the deployment.
TC023: User Submissions and Scoring
Description: Validate user submissions, file uploads, text inputs, and the impact on scoring.
Preconditions: A submission is available for the manager to score.
Test Steps:
- Open a manual metric submission.
- Download submitted file.
- Validate submitted text.
- Submit a score.
Expected Results:
- Score submissions should be recorded correctly, affecting scoring as intended.
TC024: Logs Functionality
Description: Test logs at different levels and ensure the correctness of timestamps.
Test Steps:
- Generate different level logs (debug, info, warn, error).
Expected Results:
- Logs should be generated correctly with accurate timestamps.
Participant Test Cases
- User is logged in with Participant role.
TC025: Connected Exercises Display
Description: Confirm that only the connected exercises and deployments are correctly displayed for participants.
Preconditions: Participant is connected to some deployments (done in the entity selector page under Manager view).
Test Steps:
- Navigate to Exercises page.
Expected Results:
- Only connected exercises should be visible.
TC026: Entity Selection Information
Description: Test the selection of connected entities, ensuring correct information based on the entity.
Test Steps:
- Select a deployment.
- Select an entity.
Expected Results:
- Information should be accurate and change based on the selected entity.
TC027: Dashboard and Banner Display
Description: Ensure that the participant's dashboard banner is displayed correctly.
Test Steps:
- Check the participant's dashboard.
Expected Results:
- Banner should be visible in the dashboard.
TC028: Scores Display for Participant Teams
Description: Confirm that scores shown are correct according to the participant's team.
Preconditions: User is logged in with Participant role.
Test Steps:
- Access the Scores page.
Expected Results:
- Scores should be limited to the participant's team and be accurate depending on the deployment state.
- Correct score graph is displayed.
TC029: Event Triggering and Information Display
Description: Test events, their triggering, the correctness of the event window, and the display of information, including the loading bar.
Test Steps:
- Deploy a deployment with events.
- Navigate to the Events page.
- Open events.
Expected Results:
- Events are correctly displayed according to the time.
TC030: Accounts Information Display
Description: Verify that correct data is displayed.
Preconditions: A deployment is created with a VM, which source is a Deputy package containing account information (name, password, private key fields).
Test Steps:
- Review account information.
Expected Results:
- Name, password, and private keys should display correct information (should be the same values as in the deployed Deputy package).
TC031: User Submissions
Description: Verify that the user can submit data for scoring.
Preconditions: Manual metric is available for the participant to submit.
Test Steps:
- Navigate to the User submissions page.
- Add an artifact and text.
- Submit the data.
Expected Results:
- Submission is accepted and displayed to the manager.